The famous actress, singer, catwalk star beauty Jennifer Lopez does not cease to impress with excellent physical data. The sultry Puerto Rican does not share the desire of many celebrities for unhealthy thinness, looks feminine and unusually young for her years (on July 24, 2019 the actress will be 50). But she has to put a lot of effort to do this.
Principles of nutrition
As a true Latina, J. Lo hates monotonous stingy diet, loves national cuisine, meat, adores seafood and is partial to sweets. It is not easy to combine such leanings with the ideal media image and avoid gaining extra pounds. However, the actress maintains a trim, athletic silhouette and never loses her shape. Jennifer Lopez’s figure parameters remain almost unchanged.
At 165 cm tall, the waist circumference of J. Lo is 65 cm, chest – 94 cm, and hips – about 100 cm.
To keep her lovely contours from blurring unnecessarily, Jay has developed her own dietary rules, which she sticks to all her life. In the daily diet of the actress a lot of protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, natural spices, a minimum of fat, limited sugar and salt.
The list of products on the menu is extensive. This green and leafy vegetables, soybeans and other legumes, mushrooms, a variety of fruits, cereals, nuts, berries, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, turkey meat, chicken, shrimp, squid, sea fish.
During the day, the actress consumes up to 2.5 liters of liquid. In addition to regular and mineral water, these are natural juices, grain coffee, ginger, black and green tea, morses.
Lopez blacklisted fried and smoked foods, fatty sauces, snacks, fast food, packaged juices, dishes with trans fats, mayonnaise, energy drinks, and strong alcohol.
Jennifer begins her day with a protein shake, water and coffee; she tries to eat carbohydrates before dinner and eat lean meat or fish with greens for dinner. She eats 3-4 times a day and never eats at night. Quite to give up the sweet can not actress and regularly allow themselves chips of dark chocolate. But only in the first half of the day, as well as sweet fruits.
When it is necessary to get rid of a few pounds, veganism comes to the rescue. Within 2-3 weeks, Jennifer gives up all kinds of animal products, including honey and milk, confectionery, switching to a diet of vegetables, cereals and fruits. She eats food with lots of herbs and spices. The result – lost 3-4 kilos.
Jennifer Lopez’s tough diet
In urgent cases, when it is necessary to lose weight urgently, Jay chooses a fail-safe method – unloading days. But not on vegetables, but on chocolate. Within 3 days, her diet is a couple of 40-gram bars and 2 cups of coffee with milk daily. Result: minus 2 to 3 kg.
A more gentle method to support the figure Jennifer Lopez developed together with a nutritionist. It is a so-called three-phase diet:
- In the first week, you need to consume only proteins and green vegetables.
- In the next 4 weeks, sprouted grains, sour fruits, bread, and legumes are gradually introduced into the menu. During the first 7 days, it is oatmeal for breakfast, then one apple a day, in the third week – rye breadcrumbs, followed by boiled beans.
- the third phase continues as long as you like. Juices and chocolate can be added to the allowed foods.
One-day menu of the first phase:
– In the morning: steamed omelet of 6 proteins, spinach salad, coffee without additives;
– For lunch: natural unsweetened yogurt, broccoli with lemon;
– for lunch: steamed chicken or turkey fillet, any vegetables, stewed without oil;
– snack: vegetable chips, tea;
– for dinner: baked salmon with herbs, lettuce.
Not relying on one proper diet, J. Lo regularly works out. In addition to fiery dancing, her arsenal includes martial arts, cardio workouts, yoga, swimming, weight training, and special fitness complexes to strengthen the muscular corset.