Like any other sport, jogging has positive and negative sides. Knowing these qualities, each person can decide for himself or herself whether or not to do jogging according to the Lydiard system.
The positive quality of jogging is that it is the easiest way to improve one’s health. Runners can quickly lose excess weight and get their figure back to normal. At the same time, by reducing cholesterol and blood sugar, metabolism improves, the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems become normal. Consequently, the work of the lungs and bronchi improves. A man becomes more calm, balanced. Due to the additional supply of oxygen to the brain, the memory improves. Fats are burned, which contributes to the disappearance of cellulite, the body becomes more elastic, the skin improves. But at the same time joggers should remember that when burning fat in order to lose weight, they need to adhere to a certain diet. They should workout on an empty stomach, drinking only a glass of water. At the end of the workout, you can eat a few berries, fruits, boiled vegetables or drink a glass of fruit-berry juice, while excluding potatoes, nuts and milk to restore the normal functioning of the body. After 2-3 hours you can eat a boiled egg, lean meat, cottage cheese products. For dinner, make porridge – buckwheat, rice, millet or herring. Do not eat fried or fatty pork meat. It is better to give preference to poultry and seafood.
There are also serious contraindications for jogging.
Hypo- and hypertension.After training can increase BP, which leads to an increase in blood flow, and consequently to the rupture of blood vessels. Or if the BP drops, the blood vessels will dilate faster than the accelerated blood flow, which can lead to unconsciousness.
In atherosclerosis, cholesterol plaques are washed off the walls of arteries due to increased blood flow, which leads to blood clots and subsequently to strokes.
With Mune’s disease, due to the activation of fat cells, the body will not only recover the fat burned, but may increase its quantity, which leads to even greater obesity and weight gain.
Contraindications also include conditions such as:
– glaucoma,
– heart defects,
– varicose veins,
– flat feet,
– arthritis,
– rickets,
– after a brain injury, you can start training only after some time, depending on the severity of the injury.
Despite the positive aspects, before starting training jogger must undergo a complete examination and consultation with the doctor, who, based on the tests taken will determine the usefulness of employment, give recommendations on training regimes.
But if you have decided to take up jogging after all, then try to avoid mistakes typical of beginners.
Incorrect steps in jogging.
- Warm-up. Jogging is the same sport as any other, only at the amateur level. For this reason before the training you must do a small warm-up at the level of light exercise to warm up the body: a few squats, warm up the arm and leg muscles, the back. Otherwise, a well-started workout can end up with injuries.
- Wrongly chosen tempo. You should not start your workout even at a medium speed. You should start by walking for a while, gradually switching to an easy run and gently picking up the pace to the speed at which you will run the course.
- don’t forget to measure your heart rate. Many beginners don’t pay attention to heart rate acceleration. The heart rate for beginners should be 55-65% of their maximum. You can find out your maximum by using the formula: HR=220 – age. For experienced runners, a slightly higher heart rate of 65-70% is possible. Monitor your heart rate and breathing to avoid negative consequences. If your readings deteriorate, stop training.
- Watch your running technique. Remember that wide strides are less effective than small steps. With a wide step due to the increased load on the joints and ligaments can easily get their injury or sprain.
- Do not overexert yourself! If you overstretch, your body will quickly tire from the workout, both physically and mentally. Physical fatigue can lead to the aggravation of old diseases and the acquisition of new ones. Moral fatigue will quickly discourage further training. As a result, the classes will be haphazard, and soon they will simply begin to tire you out and take away any desire to do them. For this reason, try to keep the pace and mode of training you have chosen without overestimating the norms, do days off and at least once a week give the body a day off.